First, I want to welcome you to the SOS family. We know that you can go anywhere for legal services, but we are happy that you stopped to check us out.
Next, I want to thank God because without Him, none of this would be possible. I have gone through so much to get to this point of opening my own law firm, and I am grateful to have God guiding me.
2020 was a tough year for everyone. For me, I lost both my dad and my uncle. My uncle was a second father figure for me and to lose both of them in one year was really difficult. However, before my dad passed, he told me that he was proud of me, and the life that I made. After my father passed, I realized that I don’t have time to waste. I know my father would be proud of this firm.
Honestly, this all seems so surreal. I always knew that I would have my own law firm, but it’s crazy when it actually happens. What I learned the most is that no one is successful by themselves. So I want to thank my parents, siblings, friends, family and last and definitely, not least, my wife. Fellas, make sure you marry a woman that will not only believe in you and support your vision, but also add value to it.
I would also like to extend a special thanks to my fellow black entrepreneurs:
Justin James- initial announcement flyer. Business IG Page: @Envisagemedia_
Jason Long- creating the logo. Business IG Page: @itstimetodesign
Alexis M.- social media expert. Business IG Page @lexiontheshow
Hassan M.- photographer and videographer. Business IG Page: @perceptivepaths
While I am grateful for every opportunity I have had in the past, I am excited to start this new adventure.
-Edward L. Speights, Jr.